I like to think that houses hold memories in their walls. That all of the love and fighting, silence and laughter that occur within a home are recorded and stored in the walls for safekeeping. When one's path takes them to different homes, the memories are left there as a record of the lives that were lived within.

The Abandoned Home series reflects this ever-evolving relationship I have with home. Created with mixed media materials - wood, encaustic, paint, and copper - these homes are born of melancholy, yet each take on their own unique personality. As I work through emotions surrounding the abandonment of home by those that I love, I create new memories to be stored in these small Abandoned Homes.

As my work has evolved it has come to include the connection of the natural world with the man made. I love using found natural materials and showing the uniqueness of each stick, lichen, stone or shell that others might overlook. My hope is that people who see my work will begin to take notice of the natural beauty that surrounds us in even the most ordinary and mundane natural objects.

Abandoned Home Collection